Monday, May 22, 2006

The Big Book of Baking

This book needs no introduction.

Whenever I mention that I had just bought this big baking book, it would definitely evoke this response : Is it from Borders?


After I laid my hands on this book, I could not wait to try the “Opening Recipe” (ala Opening Ceremony). My girlfriend Tiffany joined forces with me this round. Again, a whole Saturday afternoon was spent in the kitchen beating, mixing, folding, grounding…and finally, waiting. We tried our hands on the Pecan Crunch Cake and the Chocolate Almond Biscuits. The cake turned out really pretty and tasted somewhat like cinnamon cake or even the basic banana cake. I reckon the cinnamon would be cut down by half. The Chocolate Almond Biscuit was beautiful when sliced. However I was not impressed by the taste. Again, the taste of cinnamon overwhelmed and the almonds lost its crunch.

Well, now that we’ve officially opened the Big Book of Baking, there are always more recipes to try!